Search results

  1. T

    [Selling] 2 Wordpress Movie Sites - Very high backlinks, high ranking in Google & Y 550 backlinks and a few more weekly. Ranks for random key terms to do with movies, tv and anime. 5500+ backlinks and more coming every day. Around 20 edu/gov backlinks now. Ranks for "watch supernatural", "watch supernatural online free"...
  2. T

    DDL CMS 1.0 Multiple Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities

    Have fun, kiddos... it was posted yesterday @ milw0rm +============================================================+ | | | DDL CMS 1.0 Multiple Remote File Inclusion Vulnerabilities | |...
  3. T

    Selling Extreme Foumz Site

    It wasn't a bid, it was a BIN offer based on your BIN price depending on stat information.
  4. T

    Selling Extreme Foumz Site

    If it includes the domain name I'll take it but I'd like the stats for March please. PM me. I can pay ASAP via verified paypal. TCS
  5. T

    Selling Database

    PM me please.
  6. T

    [WTB] Websites, Forums, arcades, Warez-linking, porn and movie blogs & SQL DBs

    Hi, I'm buying high traffic sites. By high traffic I mean more than 1000 hits a day - that's not super high but it isn't your normal, new private site either. I'm interested in everything and though please post here if you want, I'll want every bit of information on the site(s) you're selling...
  7. T


    I can give ya $20 for it :)
  8. T

    Selling Selling Complaints filed. Enjoy. BREIN is taking warez sites down in the NL. - Forum Scriptz Dec 22, 2009 ... Recently, BREIN forced WorldStream to shoutdown all warez sites and WorldStream had to kick all warez related sites off their servers. ...
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    Selling Selling Complaints filed. Enjoy.
  10. T

    Selling Selling

    Amazingly the seller I spoke to asked me for $300, giving me a sob story far before this and I agreed so if this is a game you want to play, either declare it now or be done with this bullshit. I'm not here to play games with childish people who are hard up for money. I'm here to do business...
  11. T

    Selling Selling

    Well as far as I can tell, I won. Thanks guys, I hope to hear from you soon with the contact and payment details I'll need. :) I feel very pleased to be the new owner. TS
  12. T

    Selling Selling

    Thanks Whoo - to you whiners, I'm buying it regardless of what you say. You're apprently pretty clueless when it comes to the importance of a DB. Yes, they could rip the info to start a new site from it, yes they could get some l337 links from it. Could they get the same traffic and rank? No...
  13. T

    Selling Selling

    I bid $260 and I get that hosting setup, your help migrating if I need to, plus all 3 domains and working site + domains + backup I can DL.
  14. T

    Selling Selling

    Great. TY. TS
  15. T

    Selling selling

    Ask me again later when you can't sell it. That's only a premium domain among warez site owners and even then it's not worth more than it's registration price to most. I'll give you $20 if you ever want to sell it later, not a penny more. TS
  16. T

    Selling Selling

    How long's the hosting paid up for? I offer $210. My only stipulation is that it stay hosted (even if I have to reimburse you for hosting fees) until I am able to get it hosted in my own name at your host and get the board completely set up. Are you willing to help me set it up or see if you can...
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    I make an $11 bid. TS
  18. T

    Selling selling

    I'll pay $40 BIN for so you can recoup your backorder payment and make a lil' profit.
  19. T

    Selling Default Selling WareZ forum (www.Files-Space.Com)

    Hi there, I'm interested. I've added you on MSN. TS