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  1. H


    Welcome to the board... new member here also with tons of experience in web design / development. Need anything just send a shout.
  2. H

    Paypal limits

    Fastest way of increasing it if you don't have a cc is apply for their prepaid debt mastercard... Receive it in the mail in 7-10 business days and then activate it then you will also have instant transfer up to $400 a day. I was making bank with PayPal till they decided to limit my account...
  3. H

    Free Leech List - Free Premium Link Generator

    Useful but will eventually run out if the owner does not renew monthly subscriptions to give those free premium links. Back in the prime of RapidShare I created a premium link site, threw some Adsense on it and was earning upwards of $5-10 a day doing nothing, then the fun runs out and you get...
  4. H

    Is it expensive hosting .mp3 files?

    You would need a huge amount of space on your server to do so... I would suggest uploading the Mp3's to a site where you get paid to have people download the file, might as well make a couple extra dollars instead of spending a ton.
  5. H

    Creating a Porn site

    I used to do a couple porn niches in my day and there was hardly ever any cash in it compared to time wasted. Working for months to receive an additional $50 a month just doesn't seem worth it to me. If you could come across something such as the affiliate "Rude" that paid $1 per free sign up...
  6. H

    Let Us All Hustle and Bank...

    How is it going everyone? I am not going to reveal my name on the board at least not yet but you can just call me HB. I used to be a member of the forum a long time ago when WJunction was a warez forum.. After a while I dropped out of the scene and no longer used the forum and ventured...