Search results

  1. T

    Looking for better Sports Streaming Dedicated

    Looking for a better ded. server for my sports streaming business. One that is off-shore and ignores DMCA complaints. Pref. located in Europe. Looking for a company that has a good rep. for up-time and speed. DMCA FREE.
  2. T

    Hiring Need Quick Programming Fix (spacing issue)

    Using LiteCommerce 3 with Drupal Trying to add custom html to main page. Custom html is full of tables, and tables are showing borders + showing lots of white space. I know how to remove the borders, but I don't know how to make the table not expand like it is. Quick fix for a good...
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    Selling .COMS (CarbonPolicies, MoneyRacket)

    Thanks sorry forgot the ownership proof. This is NOT an auction, please BIN/Offers only.
  4. T

    Have massive USA/German Sports Stream Traffic - Need Network

    Yes...I dont understand the "wtf" part?
  5. T

    Edomz starts auto payouts with $10 minimum payout

    How much money would 100,000 PV equal to on average with edomz?
  6. T

    Have massive USA/German Sports Stream Traffic - Need Network

    Thanks all, Also, I'd prefer if the network didn't lock the content. Been suggested some cpa networks with content lock, Can't use these. Seems like edomz is down now.... Please dont message me trying to get me into your 1 month old ppc network or something like that. Pretty lame. (Akhlis)
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    Have massive USA/German Sports Stream Traffic - Need Network

    What would be the average payment for lets say 500,000 pageviews? I was doing about $2,500+ with adsense with 500,000 page views.
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    Have massive USA/German Sports Stream Traffic - Need Network

    Cool, they allow copyright content? Anybody second that? Any other suggestions? Thanks a lot guys and gals. Crucial I get this today.
  9. T

    Have massive USA/German Sports Stream Traffic - Need Network

    Hey everybody, desperately looking for some help! I have a website that streams sports. Gets about 1-2 million hits per day. 70% German traffic. I was making $500-$5,000 per day (depending on the day) with adsense until they banned me. I took a look at smowtion, looks like recently a lot of...