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  1. I

    Hiring Coder to downgrade my forum from vb4 to vb3.8

    just like mama used to make!
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  3. I

    Alright thanks DXS I didn't even know that it was on private thing :) I'm currently developing a suitable them for the forum too. Does anybody know any other places I can advertise on? (forums and such)
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    Thanks for the feedback.
  5. I - Read WJunction staff note (last post)

    This is really great I recommend this to everybody :))
  6. I

    Hey there

    Hey iPiRATE welcome! Have fun :O ;)
  7. I

    vBPiRATES NuLLiFiED is a group that helps webmasters and other internet users to get free templates, scripts and all other things. Our main goal is vBulletin, hence our name 'vBulletin Pirates', that also gives a clue that we release vBulletin products that are cost money for free. If you wish...
  8. I


    Hey, I'm iKentai! I originally registered with kentai a few minutes ago but no email came so I had to make a new account with a new email! I think it's because my email server is down but we'll wait and see. About me? Umm I play the bass guitar, I'm a professional vBulletin administrator, I...