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    apirateslife contact

    Yes, we actually did switch to host gator as NoEffex mentioned.
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    apirateslife contact

    Backups are a lot easier to do when cron isn't disabled. We actually took regular backups but for whatever reason the ones we had were incomplete or corrupted. There was no way for us to anticipate downtime such as this because it is not typical of any hosting service that I have ever used. Some...
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    apirateslife contact

    Like I said before, I am not "raging", although I can hardly speak for anyone else.
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    apirateslife contact

    Well, first of all I was responding to what JJJ said. Not "raging" or being delusional, simply assuming that these people know more about the situation than myself. Secondly, I paid for the $9.99 package and received 5 months worth of hosting, so if you do the math, you owe me approximately...
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    apirateslife contact

    Nevertheless, it is pretty unethical on his part to not give us refunds if he doesn't intend to. I paid for a year's worth of hosting and only got half a year's service out of it.
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    apirateslife contact

    Apirateslife, I just private messaged you in regards to my service. Please email me a response asap. Thank you