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  1. C

    Selling Xenforo Active License! 50$!

    Please remove Please remove!
  2. C

    Buying Active Xenforo License!

    Edit!!!! Do not need anymore
  3. C


    Hello Wjunction. I'm a 16 year old guy that loves to learn new stuff. In the past month's I've learned alot about Linux (SSH, FTP, Basic commands, CHMOD). But now, I wan't to learn about Apache and MySQL, and for that I need a little VPS with a dedicated IP. I even feel for trying to run my own...
  4. C

    People who do giveaways...

    Or VPS Slots, there is so much stuff you can give away :P
  5. C

    Facebook will die in the next few years!

    I really dont see how it's going to die.