Search results

  1. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    The extra 5 $ is a nice gesture and all, but it really is meaningless if you don't even follow through with the original payment.:facepalm: It still sits pending, and like others here have already said, I also received the 2 emails.. I realize mistakes happen and understand that,, What I don't...
  2. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    Can't help but asking, but if with this other host you where selling 6-12 everyday, why would you be looking elsewhere? personally I think what you're shoveling with that comment has very familiar aroma, and big pile at that.
  3. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    Payday is when? pending since may 16 have to say I'm not use to that. Is there a problem, Maybe I'm mistaken but I thought you paid out on Wednesday
  4. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    I really think the the problem with sales is the fact the site just isn't stable, and the fact that almost daily things are being changed. I know when I look for I site to buy a premium, I want to be sure it's stable, and so far this one is not. People notice this and refuse too buy.
  5. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    Well, for the life of me I can't understand after all this time you have not been able to stabilize your site :facepalm:. Taking away the PPD sure isn't going to win you any fans but you do have a problem with your script on downloads, I think your counter is working fine, but not where the...
  6. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    Does this mean if I post five different files, and a person wants all five files, because he/she downloads them one after the other, I only get a credit for 1 file? If that's the case, that's not right, I can understand if a person was to download the same file 2 or three times in 24 hours it...
  7. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    Just a suggestion, but in the statistic area, why not put a gragh showning where the downloads occurred,, a, b, c, d It would save a lot of problem with people thinking your cheating in your counting,,, I've seen other host do this so it is possible.. Hell I'd like to see...
  8. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    same as few others are saying, remote download is down again.. Not sure if it totally goes down or just has a mind of it's own and does what it wants, I have had times I kept canceling when it would not move and on 4th or 5th attempt it would work. Could it be at times it's just overloaded and...
  9. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    Remote upload is down again Ignore this post,, Isn't working again.
  10. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    I've been in total Aww as to why a few of the users have been getting upset with you,, now I know why,, I spent hours uploading files and had about 20 or 30 not posted yet they have been deleted with others I have posted for no damn reason at all,, You seem to have excuse after excuse for the...
  11. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    I'm not sure of the reason yet, hope it was a mistake, But the main site I post on and was bringing your host on board with me, Just blackballed you. I can't post your links anymore and the traffic there is in the thousands,, That kind of sucks because by the looks of my stats for the few...
  12. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    That would be great, thanks. Not sure what the other users are going to think about this, But I've noticed other hosts reserving the FTP for Premium members only. Personally I think thats a good Idea for a number of reasons, but of course in the end it's your call.
  13. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    LOL So is mine,, Thats my top speed period,, I live in the county and thats the best I can get at the moment 80kb/s UP and about 765kb/s down. Believe it or not some people only few miles away are still on 56k dialup.. so it could be worse.. For whatever reason when I use ftp I get about...
  14. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    FTP Do you have any plans to use FTP uploading? At the moment I'm using z-o-o-m uploader Works okay, but my top speed for uploading is about 80 KB/s It's a pain when a file is 90% finished then fails for some reason. At least with FTP the file could resume rather then restart from the...
  15. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    You're pathetic, (taking advantage of uploaders who are in need of money..) Why not go out and get a real job if it's all so bad instead of whining like a little kid that got his toys taken away. The servers you mentioned took advantage also,, in the meltdown fileserve & filesonic made a...
  16. E

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    up & Down Found you and joined yesterday and so far have had terrible luck trying to remote upload some files. Last night I did manage to a few over but today and again tonight no luck at all,, I detest uploading through my browser, actually I refuse to upload using my browser and don't see...