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  1. M - Install Tickets at $7.50

    the ask a legitimate. domain & seems to be dead. there is a new domain?
  2. M

    How To Create Remote Upload Profile -

    I do not know but netload rapidshare ul is top .... webspace to ul is also great. otherwise you must stop and get something http:/** down/upload to all providers available there ;)
  3. M

    How to Auto RaR Files

    or set in folder and pack now
  4. M

    How to Auto RaR Files

    can anyone tell how it works under linux shell? @ECHO OFF for /D %%f in ("C:\rar\unR\*") do copy "C:\a\*.*" "%%f\" cd C:\rar\unR SET PATH=C:\Program Files\WinRAR;%PATH% FOR /f "delims=" %%d IN ('DIR /B') DO RAR a -m0 -ep1 -r -rr3p -hpmeyer83 -zC:\meye83.txt -k -t -dw -ierr...
  5. M

    ScopeHosts.Com Unmetered 100Mbps|1Gbps Windows/Linux VPS at 7.99€/mo.(NL,DE,US,RU)

    so I find the windows vps real bad... several hours constantly have no way on server to connect because the server is busy with ihrgendwas... also sudden access denial and the disk speed is slower than the download...
  6. M

    How to Auto RaR Files

    add schalte -ep1 -r FOR /f "delims=" %%d IN ('DIR /B') DO WinRAR a -m0 -ep1 -r "C:\rar\%%~nxd.rar" "%%~fd" here including files will be added including files and all subdirectories working directory
  7. M

    Mass MD5 Hash Changer v1.0

    you have all care, real .... :D Windows CMD BAtch: Linux Shell: Win32/64 exe (linux WINE)
  8. M

    RapidGator 50% on PPS, up to 35$ for 1000 Downloads

    when they have solved the problem with???:facepalm:
  9. M

    RapidGator 50% on PPS, up to 35$ for 1000 Downloads

    add a payout a service on settings (y)
  10. M

    RapidGator 50% on PPS, up to 35$ for 1000 Downloads

    why it is not possible to remote from have http:// (http://ID:pass @ / xgxgx / file / xxx.rar) and tried rapidsahre template. without success. they could incorporate functional or not they want?