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  1. B -PPS 55% of Sale+Rebill , PPD Upto 30$ per 1000 downloads!

    Please upgrade 400MB to 800MB free users download limit.
  2. B -PPS 55% of Sale+Rebill , PPD Upto 30$ per 1000 downloads!

    Man 400MB download limit for free users is too low. Please upgrade it 1024MB. Thanks.
  3. B File Hosting

    Thanks for reply. I wanna be an affiliate. What can I do?
  4. B File Hosting

    Still don't work for me.
  5. B File Hosting

    FTP and flash upload have an error. They are temporary disabled. Please fix.
  6. B – We pay 65% of Premium Sales or $35/1000 downloads or hybrid

    I am using now. Please add FTP upload. Thanks.
  7. B - Up to $34 per 1000 downloads (Official)

    Who said fail or fake to me? If you don't know someone, don't blame him directly. Now you step in shit. There is a problem with aff program:
  8. B - Up to $34 per 1000 downloads (Official)

    I was following this site but i saw this topic and wanted to join. Why it is so interesting? Is there a rule who have 2 messages don't trust him? Here is paypal proof. Fileserving proofs are my requested payment dates, they are not paying dates. And while I am promoting fileserving, i don't...
  9. B - Up to $34 per 1000 downloads (Official)

    @masterbator What is the matter?
  10. B - Up to $34 per 1000 downloads (Official)

    Hi all. I am using fileserving and it is going really good. They helped me everytime. I wrote them a lot of ticket and they replied all of my tickets patiently. And when he read them, i think he will remember me. Here are my proofs;