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  1. P

    India has more Phones than Toilets

    With the amount of call centres that are over in india are you really suprised?
  2. P

    Currency conversion in Unverfied Paypal ??

    I'm not 100% sure about unverified accounts but you can set the currencies you want to receive and what to do with the different currencies inside your settings.
  3. P

    SMS Billing Service Provider?

    I too tried to find a mobile payment gateway to help widen the variety of payment options available to my customers. However after looking at the fees they want I would have had to increase the cost of my products by a minimum of 20% just to make a profit.
  4. P

    Hey From Pete @ PK-Host

    Hey, Just thought I'd drop on by saying hi, my name is Peter Kelly and I am the owner of I've recently joined WJunction and can see myself becoming a regular visitor. Thanks Pete
  5. P

    Need help about my url srinker

    Hi Pettrious, I have added you onto MSN with the email you provided at the bottom of your post my msn address is you can email me on the same address or pm me on this forum anyway is good for me. Just send me the error that is being output and also including the...