Search results

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    Buying Ad Slots

    If you are selling ad placements, let me know stats, price, and location.
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    Comments on style...
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    [buy] OQO 02

    If anyone knows someone selling, let me know. WTF is an OQO 02?
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    What version of CPanel do you run?

    Don't think this poll has been done, and just would like to know what everyone runs and why. :)
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    New Project: NODE

    Once done, it will allow you to visually create bash scripts which will setup/configure your server and services, saving you hours of work.
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    0day HyperVM Alert

    Anyway, for those who do not know already, I've been hosting h4cky0u on a VPS as a temporarry thing, and yesterday they got hacked in a very secure environment. I have narrowed the hack to an 0day in HyperVM. BASIC SETUP: - uploading disabled(PHP) - chroot environment(no access to system...
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    WHMCS v4

    For all of us who use WHMCS, anyone else upgraded to v4 yet?
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    Fujitsu LifeBook U820 is hawt

    I love this little guy. Great for on the run, hacking, ect... imo, it beats a blackberry/iphone
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    How Google Determines the Relevance of a Page Pretty good read if you have not read it yet.
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    Business Cards

    Who did you have do your business cards? I'm in the market to have a few 100 made.
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    Shared SolidNode Networks - Hosting Done /w a Passion

    SolidNode Networks - Hosting Done /w a Passion (Official Topic) SolidNode Features Hosting solutions in many locations 99.9% Uptime 24/7/365 Server Monitoring with instant REACTION (30 second interval checks) 24/7/365 E-mail Support 30 Day Money Back Guarentee Features such as cURL...
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    Lets talk Conspiracy Theory:

    Avian Flu Virus get "accidental" shipped off in weaponized form to several foreign countries, then a month latter from when the shipment was known, a flu breaks out in Mexico where Obama recently was.
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    GreenSQL-FW Just wondering if anyone else is using or trying it out.
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    I don't get...

    Why does Every warez web host thinks: - Having LiteSpeed(more then likely pirated) automatically makes them cool? - Posting your processor specs makes your server leet. - Saying you offer DDoS protection when you don't. - Using a pirated copy of CPanel/WHMCS is how things are done. - Being...
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    What VPS would buy?

    What VPS would you buy? (XEN Based. Others are shit) VPS Hosting in the USA with hardcore DDoS Protection -or- VPS Hosting in the Netherland(or somewhere offshore) with minimal to no DDoS Protection (research purposes)
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    What E-Drinks do you do?

    What Energy Drinks does everyone drink? My favorite is NOS. Drinking a Monster right now and it tastes like RedBull with some sort of flavoring. o_O
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    r00tsecurity Affiliate System

    r00tsecurity Affiliate System ~ Connecting to The Scene one site at a time ~ BASICS Thank you for your interest in affiliating with Our affiliate system is a custom developed script which we are currently beta testing. For the time being we will be manually adding your site...
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    Mostly looking for ideas for the front page. I already know the forum skin is a 10/10 since I've got several people ripping it and trying to sale it off(yes, it's a custom skin, 3rd gen). EDIT: