Search results

  1. M

    Other - RapidLeech | 7 PremiumAccs | Unlimited Traffic | 10GB HDD | 10$/mo (NL)

    Just use a Test-Account :) Megaupload is quite slow (~1MB/s) because they are located in the US (as far as I know), filsesonic got decent speed (~10MB/s)
  2. M

    No Permisson to Post

    Hi, after the 2 days and more than 2 posts I tried to post in the Hosting/Others section but it still says that I do not have the permisson. I searched in the forum guidelines but couldnt find somethin so I am just asking if it is bugged or do I need more posts/longer membership? MyLeech...
  3. M

    forum id's

    and if you cant see the forum linmk because of SEO links just click into the forum and do post new thread, then it will be visible again
  4. M

    help with Rapidleech

    you will get an email. there you will have the IP to acces the webinterface of you rapidleech. Furthermore you get one to your cpanel and ftp server but that is only needed if you want to change/edit plugins. Everything is "ready to go" at rapidleechhost so you dont have to do more than just...
  5. M

    WJunction is for sale! Buy it now!

    I guess selling wj would be no good :D
  6. M

    MyLeech says hello!

    Yea had to fix some errors but service can start right away :)
  7. M

    MyLeech says hello!

    Thanks for this warm welcome :)
  8. M

    Prices in the thread? (Hosting)

    I have to agree, prices should be in the thread :)
  9. M

    MyLeech says hello!

    Hi, I am the owner of we are offering Shared rapidleech accounts. Wont tell more, this post shouldnt look like ads :D Just want to say hi and hope to enjoy my stay here :)