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    Best Strategy Question

    MY internet connection sucks and I can't improve it. I am looking for a service that can download torrents to my computer. I think RDP or VPS with torrentflux is the way to go. Any suggestions?
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    Sborg Posts

    So in Sborg i noticed that when I add an Imdb link to the options when the uploads are finished the post won't have video info or screenshots. Why is this.
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    Sborg Downloads

    I'm looking for a way to download files to my local hard drive through sborg. I see a bunch of files i would like to have on my computer but just cant figure it out.
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    Sborg Torrent Error

    So I try to upload a torrent through sborg and when I check the transmission interface their is no activity and the torrent doesn't appear. I check sborg and no progress on the interface there either. Any help on this one?
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    Videobb strategy

    I made a site for my videobb account. how do I keep people coming back with a 72 min time limit, or even to get them to visit my site? Is it even worth it?
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    Giving Back

    Thanks for everyone who has helped me. I have 10 invites to First 10 replies get them.
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    Rdp vs. Vps

    As you all know I ask many a question. Here's my latest lol. What's the difference between Rdp and vps? Pros and cons?
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    Final Sborg question

    Trying to figure out why my wordpress blog looks like this.
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    Sborg Parse Error

    I get a parse error when uploading to filesonic. I cna download just fine though.
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    SBorg and Wordpress

    I can't seem to get sborg to post to wordpress. I enabled RPC on wordpress and set up bb plugin. but it still won't post.
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    SBorg Torrent Download

    Hi, I seem to have troubles with transmission in sborg. I set my rar size and upload the torrent, but it won't download. It says Dowloading torrent file. this may take awhile...30 minutes later i'm still waiting.
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    AutoUpload Parse Error

    I seem to get this error when i'm trying to autoupload with rapidleech. I've been working on this problem for a few days now. Any help?
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    Rapidleech Upload Problem

    Hi, I added my premium accounts to the accounts.php file. When I go to autoupload I click my file hosts and click upload, the window exits really quick and all I have is a txt file. Can anyone walk me through this? Thanks!
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    Auto Upload rapidleech

    Hi, i'm using rapidleechhost and i'm trying to use auto upload to upload to my filehost, but I can't find where to put the username and password for my premium account.
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    Multi Poster 5 Error

    Hi, I can't seem to post on my forum from Multi Poster. It's not cracked and I made the template myself, however, when I try to post I get Unable to find the tag. Any help?
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    Sborg help needed!

    I have been trying to figure out how to get sborg working! I'm n00b with a mac and I wanna upload stuff faster lol. That's as far as my knowledge goes. Anyone care to give me a quick tutorial on what i need? I really appreciate it!
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    Hello all