Search results

  1. U

    Shared - CPanel, 1GB space, 5GB bandwidth from $0.99/month (Netherlands)

    it's not the servers that are the problem - it's the people on there and the people running them.
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    Has FireFox Stolen idea/concept ?

    Maybe chrome stole some of their ideas from the development team, I guess we'll never know lol. but either way that's how the world works - if you can't beat them, copy them.
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    Least Number of online members you have witness

    yeah when I was on earlier there was 12, about 10 mins before you took this maybe server was rebooted?
  4. U

    wut all you phaggots have been waiting for 1:11 you look a little retarded, and just for the record - with your top on, you look fat just thought I'd have my say there.... And before you say post a pic of yourself like you have, I will say no, as unlike you, I don't feel the...
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    wut all you phaggots have been waiting for

    Yeah, but storming the spotty cretin doesn't know know anything. Even with hosting lol. :D :D :D
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    Best Hosting Solution - Shared + Vps

    Yeah man I got $2 for voting knownsrv from storming woop woop
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    Where is hosted this sites: ?

    google it, it's really not that hard buddy
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    Forex Trading - the new way to make money with doing jack?

    eugh, clearly people are not reading my thread. I use legitimate EEs and Legit Brokers, Removed the post - I'm not interested in sharing that information with a bunch of spackers
  9. U

    Forex Trading - the new way to make money with doing jack?

    ha, yes, I do understand that. Please re-read all my posts in this topic, I really dont think you understand what I am saying or read what I have replied. If you had read it properly you would see I do not have a $10k account....
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    Forex Trading - the new way to make money with doing jack?

    I'm not too sure you're understanding this post - I don't do anything apart from install the software - there's nothing to get addicted to, perhaps checking my emails daily for the income statements? :D It does it's own thing, all the calculations on trades are automatic - it's a true auto...
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    Forex Trading - the new way to make money with doing jack?

    That just goes to show you're not a very good manual trader (no offence intended).
  12. U

    Forex Trading - the new way to make money with doing jack?

    I am just going to remove this thread - clearly this is too much for people to handle on this forum. Sorry guys, I didn't mean to blow your minds with sharing my experence and findings. It's a shame you're all so thick.
  13. U

    Make your site faster, save on bandwidth and protect yourself against spammers free!

    Yeah it was a little slow to setup but I've used them for 6 weeks now and they are good. Let me know what you think it would be good to hear what other people think of it. the only problem is if there's a ddos attack directly attacking the server this will not help - but you can't have...
  14. U

    Hostname - is it necessary to buy one

    No, you do not need to buy a domain name as a host name - all my servers run of local hostnames so A) it's free and B) not everybody can get to them directly as I run RDP. In the hostname box, just but something like yourservername.local that will do the trick if you are installing windows...
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    Make your site faster, save on bandwidth and protect yourself against spammers free!

    Sounds odd doesn't it? Being able to decrease your load time, save on avg 40% of your bandwidth and at the same time protect yourself against spammers, hackers and botnets? and for free? Well - it's simple, some nerds in the US have all got together to develope something called cloud flare...
  16. U

    Premium Plus - CPanel, 5B space, 30GB bandwidth from $2.95/month (NL)

    Yeah, that's not very clever at all.....
  17. U

    Make Money Online Help.

    Hello, If you contact me via PM I have quite a few ways for you to make some money online - not via GFX though. But I can defently help you. Regards UN
  18. U

    Making money with Google Adsense

    Yes I understand that - however I thought I would post this to benifit the people who do have adsense sites - a lot of people do this on the side, I myself run three warez forums - this is how I pay for all the server bills every month. I really think this is something that they should...
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    Making money with Google Adsense

    Good Afternoon, I thought that I would share my thoughts on google Adsense as I've seen a few topics which have What, How, Why, When e.t.c in the titles, what I have done and what I am doing now along with the results. Hopefully some people may find this interesting and benifit from some of...
  20. U

    How to ignore spammers from specific country?

    I have been looking for a quick and simple solution to this as well, and I have come across a really good tool called cloud flare. ( It's basically an external DNS service provider, but with some added features - so it can take light DDoS attacks as well as block IPs...