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  1. S

    Multiposter 5 HELP

    i know tht place tht is where i got it from but everytime i ask jayfella juss sends me this link i dunt know wht it is and how to do it and in the link it is written of MP4 not MP5 the details are sloe not correct and...
  2. S

    Multiposter 5 HELP

    hello , i need help in multiposter 5 i have tried several times and have failed and i dunt know how it works and where to start from .i have checked the community and all yet there is nuthing or maybe i cant understand it i dunt know everytime i ask someone all i get is the bloody detail link...
  3. S

    Other [1gbps Port][][Automatic Uploader Script sBorg][Starts $13][USA/DE]

    Good service but dunno how to use :( i need help in setting up i have bought the new server from this but cant download torrent and all it says transmission is not allowed people who r using sborg can anyone please help me out it is not even posting to wordpress or froums i need help...
  4. S

    Other [1gbps Port][][Automatic Uploader Script sBorg][Starts $13][USA/DE]

    help needed for setting up Hi i have bought the new service but not able to use it ... the torrent is not downloading and dunno whts going on can anyone help me please with the setup .. thank u