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  1. L - Discussion.

    Sales as such not happening much... But so much Refunds.. Clearly buyers are not happy with so much premium price and so little data.
  2. L Discussion

    Ftp Upload speed for me is slow.. Can you please check.
  3. L

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    So this account Top up thing is another new mechanism to deprive the affiliates from sales. They were killing the Rebills and now account top up feature.. Affiliates mean nothing to them..
  4. L - Discussion.

    Its high time.. Roll out out some Promos for affiliates from September - December. There were no promos since a very very long time. Do help affiliates to earn a bit extra.
  5. L Discussion

    Excellent host.. excellent support.. With the ongoing change, I thought I should give my opinion. Regards.