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  1. K Earn Up to $40, Weekly Payouts

    I hope payment's coming soon ;)
  2. K Earn Up to $40, Weekly Payouts

    Hello vidbull,thanks for your payment few days ago,i hope next round of payments coming soon ;)
  3. K

    RDP Giveaway - Windows/100gb/1Gbps/USA/12gbRam/

    hey there,can u myb share your RDP with me,i can provide u premium account's for almost any filehoster for free ofc,also i can do anything u need(write txt/upload/download/post etc)and i would use only one program on RDP(low cpu/net usage) i alrdy have pmed u,but i m not sure did u get my pm
  4. K

    New Rule Suggestion

    good suggestion
  5. K

    Wupload Vs Uploadstation
