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  1. S

    General Hosting Tips

    Almost all the web serves that provide endless (Shared) web web page hosting service restrict it in someway be it number of information or inodes etc. The phrase "Unlimited Hosting" is just an advertising and marketing trick to entice potential clients. If you are looking for distributed web...
  2. S

    URL shortener Exchange

    Essentially what occurs is that you submit your URL to an URL shortening service such as Bitly - The Influence of the Link and it generates a new short address in its domain through a redirect to your original URL. URL shortening give details some of the methodical features of it.
  3. S

    link exchange

    i want link exchange with my site Not definite why you want to do that. If you need to do that for SEO, you must not to that at entirely . In look this link exchange method was lessened a long period since. But now is the procedure: You improve your partners link in your site...