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  1. R

    Following Tips For Improving SEO Strategy!

    Construct Unique Content For Titles and Meta Descriptions Next on our line of SEO tips is to create single and unique titles and meta descriptions for your website.Because many persons only replacement each page to create their site, they’re absent out on a big SEO chance.Your titles should be...
  2. R

    Key SEO Terms

    ALT Text. See ALT Attribute. Anchor Text. The clickable text of a link. Authority. The more popular a website is (the more traffic it receives), the more authority it has. Avatar. An image or illustration used to represent a real person. Backlink. When one website links to your website. Black...
  3. R

    Where to put Google Adword Conversion Code

    I know that the cart already tracks conversions for Google Analytics, but if you want to track conversions for Google Adwords you have to add additional code to the final page. Google says to make sure to insert the code between the <body> and </body> tags and it looks something like this.. My...
  4. R

    Key features and benefits of Instagram

    Instagram launched in October 2010 and grew fast, gaining over 100 million active users less than two years later. It was so popular, that Facebook bought the company in 2012 for a reported $1 billion. Instagram is free to download and join. The app allows users to add 'filters' to their images...
  5. R

    Trade Tips For SEO

    Guest-blogging for other sites. I indorse doing this at least a few times per month, if possible. My friend Mike the SEO Expert says that guest-blogging for other sites and having them link back to you is five times as valuable as writing additional post on your own site. Inbound links are...