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  1. B

    Just recieved payment. - But no idea from who. Help?

    I just received a big payment directly to my bank account from some file host/video streaming website But no idea which one. the only info thats showing on my bank account is : NEW NETWORKS COR * could anyone PM me if they know who this payment is from. I must of long forgotten who its from...
  2. B

    Is this guy using a script??

    Hello all, i came across this guy today on 1 of the websites i use. he has so many posts i was wondering does he use some sort of script or program? i could really do with something like this and would be more than happy to pay if anyone...
  3. B

    Buying WTB Program/Person to submit links to TV website

    Hello all. Only post a few times here before but been browsing for awhile. Im looking for someone or a program that will post my links 1000 or so, and increasing daily to a website ( will say in PM what the website is if your interested ) Please let me know if i should also post some...
  4. B

    hey all im new here

    hey all im new here, gonna be upload stuff