Search results

  1. T

    Looking for better Sports Streaming Dedicated

    Looking for a better ded. server for my sports streaming business. One that is off-shore and ignores DMCA complaints. Pref. located in Europe. Looking for a company that has a good rep. for up-time and speed. DMCA FREE.
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    Hiring Need Quick Programming Fix (spacing issue)

    Using LiteCommerce 3 with Drupal Trying to add custom html to main page. Custom html is full of tables, and tables are showing borders + showing lots of white space. I know how to remove the borders, but I don't know how to make the table not expand like it is. Quick fix for a good...
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    Have massive USA/German Sports Stream Traffic - Need Network

    Hey everybody, desperately looking for some help! I have a website that streams sports. Gets about 1-2 million hits per day. 70% German traffic. I was making $500-$5,000 per day (depending on the day) with adsense until they banned me. I took a look at smowtion, looks like recently a lot of...