Search results

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    [Job Openings] Neox News - Webmaster Blog

    Hello dear Authors, Neox News is looking for talented individuals to join our young and professional team. So if you are good at SEO, Marketing or Programming and you want to have some extra income writing articles in this niche make sure to send us your CV/Resume and please don't forget to...
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    NeoxAds - PPC Network - Looking for both parties.

    Hello, You may have seen this already on other several webmaster talk forums, but let me officially introduce NeoxAds on NamePros too. We have just started out (15th March) as a PPC network, I know many of you know what PPC means, but just to be sure PPC = Pay Par Click and we are in need of...
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    Neox Ads - Affiliate Program - 25% + Recurring

    Hello everyone, NeoxAds is looking for affiliates who are good in promoting and selling. If you know how this market work and if you want to generate some extra income please keep reading. We offer a solid 25% revenue rate for each deposit your advertisers bring inside our network. We will...
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    Neox Files - Micro File Hosting

    After one year of Neox Files, Dozen of statistics and nights without sleep we have reached the decision to change they way our file hosting portal work. So please allow me to introduce you the new Neox Files: Description: To keep our quality service and to offer much better speeds, more stable...
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    NeoxAds Official Thread

    NeoxAds Official Thread + Easter Promotion! Hello everyone, I am here on behalf of NeoxAds to report that our company have just launched today (15th March) and with this we would like to welcome everyone and give us a "test drive". For our publishers, as of today we offer 60/40 revenue share...
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    NeoxAds is looking for publishers [Release day 15th March]

    Hello guys, As the title says we are looking for publisher for our newest project called NeoxAds. I'm sure that you already have in mind what this project is about, but for the ones who are new to this I'll make a short introduction and keep everything nice and clean. NeoxAds is an advertising...
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    VPS CentOS VPS

    Hello WJuntion, After the problems I got with 100TBH I reached the decision not to extend my 480$ VPS. So I'm here to search for a provider who can meet my expectations, sending me a PM while you don't fit all my needs will result in a lovely report :> So first of all we should stick to...
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    For website with over 100k UV per month.

    Hello, I'm looking for 5 to 10 website at have over 100k UV per month. It can be in any niche, even adult. If you have one or more website who fall in this cattegory please be kind and hit me a PM. I would like to see some reports when you send the PM. Once you PM me and you also...
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    [Neox Files] Premium Accounts GiveAway!

    Removed, not allowed.
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    Shared Neox Hosting, Unmeter, starting from 3.50$

    Content removed. Not allowed to sell.
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    Looking for some advertisers

    Hello guys, I have this website: And we just added a In House Made advertising platform. I'm looking to make a full test and I want 2-5 advertisers. What are you getting if you want to become a Beta Advertiser? Your Money * 5. Live Reports Banner ad size...
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    Questions about Xfilesharing script

    So I just joined the forums, one day ago, and I'm noticing alot of hate(?) "push" on website using Xfilesharing script. Well this is not my case as I don't use this script, but can someone explain me why everyone "run" from them like hell?
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    Neox Files - Several Banners [PAID]

    Hello everyone, So I just joined the forum but I'm willing to be damn active. I'm here to ask everyone to make as 3 banners: 648x90 728x60 125x125 I whould like to see them animated and *modern* Please follow this link: and have a look at our theme/template. We should...
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    Neox Files - Fast, Secure, UserFriendly

    Neox Files - Fast, Secure, UserFriendly - 50% From Sells and Rebills Hello WJunction, My name is Danny and I'm very proud to tell you about Neox Files. This is one of my newest project I'm working on and I'm willing to gain as much expouser I can. Before we start I really want to...
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    Hello, After 1 month of work, test and tweaks I can see our file sharing website (based on a script) can go live. Please have a look here: And let ask know what you think about -Theme -Speed -Services Also If you are webmaster for a File Distribution website...
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    Hello Wjunction

    Hello everyone, My name is Danny, as young webmaster (20) and also a money lover " :facepalm: ". I'm here to find and interact with new webmaster who are better than me (I hope so) and to inprove my skills. I'm also in DP from from 2009 and I'm willing to offer some time to WJunction too...