Search results

  1. 1

    Shift + Enter = New line in TextArea?

    How can i enable Shift + Enter = Newline in TextArea? (Javascript or Jquery code needed)
  2. 1

    Issue with jquery external linking

    I created a custom alert box using css and jquery, the css_alert box has an "Cross sign" button inside css_alert box, it fadesout (closes) the box when clicked. I want to store this css_alert box function in seperate .js file so that i can simply link this script in every other php pages. When i...
  3. 1

    Write permission on a folder

    How do i ask user for "Write" permission on a particular folder in
  4. 1

    Free web hosting?

    Is there any free hosting available just like x10hosting for PHP?
  5. 1

    Download Image ON CLICK event

    I want a javascript code to automatically download image on click event instead of opening it in browser. (no server side script please only client side).
  6. 1

    How to make Windows server at home?

    Please explain step by step procedure and all the tools required to host a windows server at home..thankyou
  7. 1

    How to create floating ads?

    Anybody know how to create floating advertisements in javascript with roatating image? Please help!
  8. 1

    Selling for $300

    Selling (nice, short and easy to remember) domain for adult websites for $300 at namecheap's marketplace. Provide proof instead of a link to a third party site.
  9. 1

    Please help me out with SQL

    I have following connection string in my web.config file <add name="ConnectionStringUsersdb" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\usersdb.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> <add...
  10. 1

    How to redirect non-www domain to www domain?

    I tried adding this code in .htaccess file but it's not working RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
  11. 1

    Need suggestions for offshore hosting

    I want to host a warez site please recommend me good and reliable offshore hosting
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    how can i submit sitemap to

    How/where can i submit sitemap to Do they provide this option?
  13. 1

    How to extend a volume in Windows7?

    I want to extend my 'c' volume, please recommend me some software which can do this in WINDOWS 7. Partition magic not supports windows7
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    Selling domain for $15

    I have listed my domain for $15 at namecheap marketplace. Buy if interested...
  15. 1

    Wordpress help!

    I am new to wordpress blog. I want some source on how to modify a wordpress template and i also need some free warez template for wordpress blog. I searched a lot but didn't find any good tutorials or sites. Please help!
  16. 1

    Selling domain is for sale

    Hi friends! I am posting this thread to let you know that i placed my domain for sale at's marketplace at a price of $300. This domain is short and easy to remember & it can be used to host any website related to HD (High Definition) Grab it before anyone else grab it...
  17. 1

    Link trade

    Hi I am accepting link trade on my site As per google analytics the site get around 300 unique clicks a day. Requirement: Your site rank should be at least 1,600,000 or better at ALEXA Please pm me if interested.