Recent content by VidChan

  1. V

    How to hide iframe src?

    try something like - in html; <script type="text/javascript" src="//js/embed.js"></script> and inside embed.js var id; document.write("<iframe src ='"+id+"'><p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>"+"</iframe>"); You could obfuscate even more if you needed but basically some...
  2. V

    Is Photoshop worth learning for an internet marketer?

    No doubt, Photoshop is worth learning.
  3. V

    Is it necessary to use Robots.txt?

    I wasn't aware of this warning from Google, it's better to be safe than sorry - I should be more clear that robots.txt is not only for disallowing but yeah effectively, I've always included it by default as just good practice but I didn't know Google had become so restrictive. Guess now they...
  4. V

    Facebook Comments

    You might try including additional information about the photo, such as og:image:type og:image:width og:image:height Facebook says, "Specify height and width for your image to ensure that the image loads properly the first time it's shared." And although, I would not personally implement...
  5. V

    Is it necessary to use Robots.txt?

    No, Google and others will still crawl your site without it. Robots.txt and the robots meta tag are most useful when you want to disallow indexing specific pages and/or directories
  6. V

    Why, Hello There

    Does anyone even read these things? Just happened to stumble upon this forum, Looked like a nice spot to hangout. I'm kind of here to network so please feel free to say hi =)