Recent content by rubiroza

  1. R 50% PPS, up to 15$ PPD

    I didn't get a payment last thursday :(
  2. R

    SQUILLION.COM - PPS $6/$6, $9,$6 $12,$9 -$$500 bonus for 100 users in 30days

    "Uploads are disabled for your user type" ??????? Anybody else with same upload problem?
  3. R 50% PPS, up to 15$ PPD

    502 Bad Gateway :(
  4. R - $40 for 1000 downloads or 50% from sales and rebills.

    I can only MOVE my files, not COPY. Why?
  5. R

    [Official] Refile - Earn $10 per 1000 Downloads - Fastest Downloading (All Countries)

    Alertpay? Can't dopy my files on your servers, only move. Why?
  6. R$35 per 1000 downloads (All countries paid!) - 25% from sales/refers

    i can't copy my files on your servers, only move. why?