Recent content by nikosconfreak

  1. N

    Selling [cPanel, Plesk & More] Linux Proactive Monitoring 60$ / Mo & Linux Services 30$ / H

    We are a European based & registered company offering Linux Server Management services with extensive experience on Web Hosting servers. Our experts remove the hassle, pain and time-consumption so traditionally associated with linux server management. For you, this means technical legwork that’s...
  2. N

    2 domians on same forum

    First of all, if you are going to use 2 domains - you will need a license for 2 domains. Put both domains on the same document host, and try modifying .htaccess to match redirects based on the requested host. (Not tested, but I believe this is how it works with vbulletin)
  3. N

    Which Hosting is better Cloud Hosting or VPS

    To be honest it all depends on the configuration of the server most of the times. Both Cloud & VPS are virtualized servers, the main difference is that technically a Cloud Server is very redundant and scalable while at the other hand VPS is not redundant and scalability is limited.
  4. N

    Nginx vs Apache

    If you don't want to mess too much with configurations, you should consider nginx in the front for static content and apache in the backend for handling php. There are many tutorials for implementing this. The best free option in terms of performance would be nginx + php-fpm but things get far...
  5. N

    Buying Space on Webmaster sites/forums

    Hi. I'm looking to advertise my site (It's related to Linux Server Management). I'm willing to pay CPC or Flat fee per month and the budget will depend on the traffic of your site. Sites having tutorials for websites, forums for webmasters, wordpress, etc is what I'am looking for. Message me...
  6. N

    Ps4 vs xbox 1

    I think it really depends on the games you are after mostly...
  7. N

    Need help with Nginx solution

    Perhaps you should write more details here before asking for a PM. Do you need help compiling nginx with rmtp?
  8. N

    CDN needed

    You could just setup 3-4 servers in different regions and server static content from those servers if you just need a CDN. What are you trying to accomplish?
  9. N

    How fast can you type?

    Hello everyone :D This is my result