Recent content by Locker

  1. L - Read WJunction staff note (last post)

    I have asked time and time again for your company info so I can use it for tax purposes. You don't respond via email or messages so Im posting it here. Please provide me with it so that I can get it. Thanks
  2. L - Read WJunction staff note (last post)

    For tax reasons I need you to give me your company name and address and if possible the company ID number. I looked up your phone number to use on paypal but it's a bogus number. Thanks
  3. L - Read WJunction staff note (last post)

    It seems I can't see page 39 as it wont allow it to load for me
  4. L - Read WJunction staff note (last post)

    Not to be funny or anything but I do in 1 day what you do in an entire month regarding traffic. So obviously your ratio's will be good. However your ratio's aren't close to what you said. It's defo not 1:280. Last month your ratio was 1: 1750. Im happy that you are content with your sales etc...
  5. L - Read WJunction staff note (last post)

    Please provide screenshots to back up your claims. Saying something and actually showing that it's true are two different things. Thanks
  6. L - Read WJunction staff note (last post)

    Not to be funny but I decided to give this a proper go and I have to say that it's really not even close to being good. The ratio for the 3 days is roughly 1:10000. How can you claim : "Highest Converting Affiliate Marketing System"? I mean 1:10000? The industry norm is MAX 1:4000 and that is...
  7. L - Read WJunction staff note (last post)

    Yeah I looked at everything you posted before I started to promote. Daily traffic would be round 160K a day. And yes, I had it linked on various spots on the site, just like I do with other advertisers. I also used q2. How many sales are your biggest affiliate making a day? Looking at the images...
  8. L - Read WJunction staff note (last post)

    14286 - 9750 - 0 Sales This within a 24 hour period.
  9. L

    What can you offer me for my traffic?

    Hi there. I own a couple of torrent sites and would like to see what some of the affiliate site owners here can "offer" me for my traffic. I receive roughly 250K visits a day. I have tried AssociatePay, Revshared and other ME (Market Engines) sites and sorry to say but their ratio's were good at...