Recent content by John Doe

  1. J

    Hello WJ

    Hi Rox, Thanks for the welcome. I wont advertise any new services untill I pass probation. However, a few days ago I posted a thread advertising a service. I've read the rules which displays next to the chatbox, however, it wasn't there when I first posted it. So did those rules still apply to...
  2. J

    Does Google really care about URL structure?

    I've often used different URL structures - such as ... but I've noticed that it doesn't have any effect on traffic if I just used ?s=related-keyword. Do you notice this? Is URL structure worthless - is it the page structure/link structure...
  3. J - Unmetered Dedicated Servers in the Netherlands

    Does Hostkey colocate in EvoSwitch's datacenter or does it own it's own datacenter in the Netherlands? Thanks,
  4. J

    Hello WJ

    Hello WJ, I'm going to be offering a few services in the file host / affiliate sections. Thanks,
  5. J - Up to $16 per sale, Swiss BitTorrent VPN affiliate programme

    We have added discounts to the site. Enter your affiliate control panel and you can enable discount codes and offer up to 40% off. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Also, we've sent payouts today.
  6. J - Up to $16 per sale, Swiss BitTorrent VPN affiliate programme

    Hello users of the WJunction community! TorShield provides it's clients with VPN accounts located in Switzerland. We have few VPN accounts sharing the same server so therefore we can allow people to use it for BitTorrent unlike many VPN providers thesedays. We do not log the users activity and...