Recent content by I am Lost

  1. I

    3 Warez Forums for sell.

    All forum looks similar to each other, even posts too...
  2. I

    What Forum To Start?

    I think a Forum for gaming will be better for you.
  3. I

    Which is best for my blog.

    It was not banned coz of warez. I am using it on my normal sites. I have around 30 sites and 15 of them were using Adsense. It was 40% of my total income
  4. I

    Which is best for my blog.

    Google banned me 15 days ago for violating terms. I am still trying to find out which terms I violated. Adbrite seems better. Something is better than nothing....
  5. I

    Which is best for my blog.

    I have a warez blog that's almost every post has Google top 10 ranking on its posts. I am getting lot traffic from Google. I have not monetized it. my blog is Any one suggest me what should I do so I can make money. I really need lot of money.
  6. I

    ESET Doesnt like USAWarez :p

    lol ESET don't like any warez site that they know like waerz-bb
  7. I

    Review my blog

    I was not at home form last 3 days.... The hosting provider said that linking to warez it allowed. Now I am gonna *uck that hosting company
  8. I

    Review my blog

    Any suggestion what should I remove and what to add. Its my first warez blog, normally I post on webmaster blog.
  9. I - New & Hot Converting Download Site

    Thanks guys. Signing up now for this
  10. I

    Review my blog

    I have created a blog about scripts and templates. Its new so I need suggestions so I can make it better.
  11. I

    Shared WOW! Quality AUSSIE & US PLANS Fantastico/RVSkin/RVSiteBuilder/WHMreseller

    What you allow and what not please post details.
  12. I

    I need hosting that allow nulled vB and warez linking

    @ThePirateTuge Thanks for nice offer but... Still looking...
  13. I

    I need hosting that allow nulled vB and warez linking

    I am looking for a host that allow me to use nulled vB and linking to warez. I don't need servers full of users and lot of downtime. My budget is : $20/month I need : 500MB-1Gb webspace 50GB-100GB BW cPanel Other features unlimited..
  14. I

    My new laptop cooler toy!

    Where to buy this?
  15. I

    A Question About paypal. is using paypal donation. They not banned nor any problem