Recent content by Hanamichi

  1. H - 1 Gbps - VPS/RDP from $7.99/month (US, NL, DE, UK, SW, FR, CZ)

    Payment sent for renewing the service. Great service!
  2. H

    Windows 7 or Windows XP ?

    Win7 for Desktop :) WinXP for old Laptop.
  3. H

    Megaupload New Look Vote Please

    - MegaManager with 'Instant Upload feature' gone :( - Upload speed ~300-400 :(
  4. H - 1 Gbps - VPS/RDP from $7.99/month (US, NL, DE, UK, SW, FR, CZ)

    Pick this plan for one month If service is good, i will extent longer :)
  5. H - 1 Gbps - VPS/RDP from $7.99/month (US, NL, DE, UK, SW, FR, CZ)

    Don't know that WJ required 2 post to view PM :(