Recent content by hadahado

  1. H File Hosting

    no sales,and statistics of download is wrong,we must migrate from this filehost that's enough .
  2. H - Official Support Thread

    Can you please recover my premium account with my earning? username is : hadahado
  3. H - Official Support Thread

    I think with this low sales lumfile can't continue and we must leave it . Please lumfile be reliable it's the only guarantie for your host to be the best .
  4. H - Earn up to 65% per new sales!

    I see that in my profil Your current rate for sales: 55% it's mean that i get only 55% and not 70% ??
  5. H - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    I want to work with you Please but remove 48 hours premium account
  6. H - Earn up to 65% per new sales!

    PLEASE add Premium-only option like other host i want to begin with you but without this option it's difficult to get sales please add this option for no site-owners
  7. H - Earn up to 65% per new sales!

    Please add premium only option or reduce max filesize to download by free users it's so important to get more sales and without it it's difficult for uploaders to work with
  8. H - Earn up to 65% per new sales!

    please activate my account and send me a board-list too .
  9. H - Official Support Thread

    I request US RDP from support but i don't get response ,please check my ticket it's emergency .
  10. H - Official Support Thread

    My payment option is true now please pay me
  11. H - Official Support Thread

    WHERE IS MY MONEY?? I request my money 30-08-2012 and i don't receive yet my money!!!!!!!!
  12. H - Official Support Thread

    plz activate my account user: hadahado I send you a support ticket for activation,please activate my account