Recent content by Frank The Tan

  1. F,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)

    Well that's all fine and dandy however all the proof was deleted when you closed the account..... so yea now I have no way of accessing the full chat logs plus the previous ones ;) I've added you on Skype we can sort it there. (edit: why are you guys shutting us down on skype?) We have the...
  2. F,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)

    The specific problem was not fixed and you would see that by the video. I myself didn't create that video it was my forum partner however, it was justified in this case and from past experiences. Sure, will continue on with a review. If OP could supply usas with our backup via PM then we can...
  3. F,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)

    Thanks. As for OP we need to sort this out. Today we had an issue with our site then when we showed you it was an issue on your server with proof you completely shut our site down and account. That's no way to go about things. If you want to shut our site down you could of at least let us get...
  4. F,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)

    wtf SO OP. Why did you close down our account and forum today? Are you ready for the review? That's insane to blame someone for your server issues then shut down our site when we call you out...