Recent content by erika

  1. E Discussion

    :kissing_heart: thank you boss ,, thats why i love this host always honest
  2. E Discussion

    i didnt work on higher pay rates ,, i worked in normal pay rates and one time 5 dollar 1000 views ,, my usnername is - erika 1706889907 plz boss check and say can i start again from this 19 or from zero ??
  3. E Discussion

    hey boss,, everyone is saying you dnt pay ,, i was busy with other job and so on others things ,, i have 19+ dollar on your site .. want to start work again ,, so can i get the money if i start work again with you ?? and now after starting work can i get 5 dollar per 1000 views like before after...
  4. E Discussion

    hey , my streamvid page showing connection time ou continuosly ,, everything is fine but its showing connection time out what is the problem its not loading
  5. E Discussion

    site is not opening .. what happen ???? 1699594943 ya same here ...
  6. E Discussion

    one payment for 2 month is it worth it to work with this ?? why two month ? can anyone explain ? can we expect short time in upcoming days ?
  7. E Discussion

    got 04/10/2023 payment today .. thnx to owner admin ..
  8. E Discussion

    yaa .. he got paid 5th october ,, what about us 4th october ?? then where is the line ??? i was not accpecting that from streamvid :sob:
  9. E Discussion

    5 october ?? really ?? then what bad we done from 4th october 1698165718 hey do you get the payment ? 1698165789 hey do you get the payment ?
  10. E Discussion

    ya ,, he also told me on wednesday 3-4 days but its have 7 days no payment .. he said line by line whats he wants ?? everyone leaving this site .. before that he said 3-4 days its over 21 days 1698156994 anyone from 04/10/2023 payment get paid ?? what abou 3rd and 2nd october payment anyone...
  11. E Discussion

    almost 20 days over owner first time said 10 days , then 3-4 days , again 3-4 days now its also gone .. i like this site very much but its now no good . for one payment if we have to wait this much its not worth it then .. i leave doodstream for streamvid ,, but now i am in doubt what should i...
  12. E Discussion

    2023-10-04 payment still pending anyone here from this date get paid ???
  13. E Discussion

    same here let see what will happen
  14. E

    hi guys subject about streamvid

    almost 15 days gone i still dnt get my pending money
  15. E Discussion

    1697614452 its almost over 15 days i dnt get pending payment .. and now they dnt replying me in skype ... i thaught streamvid is best and i work another profile with some group but its day by day getting worst .. 1697614897 its over almost 15 days i dnt get pending payment they stop replying...