Recent content by detailz

  1. D Staff wanted.

    Well as you can see by the other thread about site, i've taken it over from IMack. So hopefully with abit of help, we can crack on and get the site big and hopefully VERY active. So, what i'm looking is for, Maybe 1 admin and afew Mods, at this point, just so we can get our ideas together and...
  2. D

    name for a forum

    That is true, thinking of a new is one of the hardest things to do. I'm just glad, i've got a good one, and won't ever let it expire lol.
  3. D

    Register a Warez Domain - GoDaddy

    Can hide you're personal info from the public domain searches.
  4. D ( read this before you buy )

    Been with these for about a month or so, then today they decided to randomly delete all the databases on my reseller account with no warning. I done a support and got this reply.... Hi, Can you please tell his which of your users need to be restored, please be advised that we didn't have...
  5. D


    I think i showed IMack these quite some time ago. Personally i've not used them, but looking at the prices they seem pretty good. Hopefully someone on here has more detail in depth about them.
  6. D

    Shared UltimateOffshore|Warez Shared Hosting Just £1.99 |QUADCORE Servers|1GBps HighSpeed

    I'm using a france offshore server atm, and tbf it's starting to piss me off. with the same error daily.. "too many connections....." Carries on i'm going elsewhere.. Note: it's not his host, but it's a french server lol.
  7. D 100% offline?

    Maybe it's something to do with the HostEcon partnership....
  8. D

    No Worry Hosting | Downtime explained!

    This is kinda funny, i'm so glad i've gone elsewhere, theres so much crap going on in these threads lately its unreal lol
  9. D

    Looking for host that will NOT let me down

    Wrzhost is stable, going for a fair time i do believe.
  10. D

    DAV-upload popup :/

    Well that never worked. Argh!!
  11. D

    DAV-upload popup :/

    I've changed the settings in the config, plus in the ACP Tools & Settings to match where the board is now, but still the same. IPB is just being a wank as per usual so might just do a re-install n drop/import the database and see if it works.
  12. D

    DAV-upload popup :/

    I moved my forum from .net/forum/index.php to just .net/index.php Now when i goto view threads i get this weird popup. The server www.****** at DAV-upload" nonce="1225208619 requires a username and password. Any ideas?
  13. D

    Night Vision Skin for WCDDL

    ^^^^ same, doesnt work.
  14. D

    How to get Webmaster Status?

    So anyone who has a forum is classed as a web-master? Errr no, i don't think so.