Recent content by Anatak

  1. A

    which is best for me hostgator or godaddy?

    If I absolutely had to choose between these two, I'd choose Hostgator. I wouldn't touch GoDaddy with a ten foot pole.
  2. A

    What is the best source of entertainment to time pass ?

    ^ All of those, and creating forums and blogs, Chess and my all time favourite: Go. If you haven't tried it, try! Best board game (some purists might be offended by this term :D) of all time imo.
  3. A

    What movies are you looking forward to in 2012?

    I've got two movies in my sights: The Hobbit and the new Dark Knight. I'm a sucker for fantasy movies, so The Hobbit is a natural choice. It's been too long since I've seen a good fantasy film. Everything else, boring, don't really care.
  4. A

    Hello to you!

    I'm usually a lurker on most forums, but for some inexplicable reason something (the voices in my head ... argh why won't they go away!) caused me to actually register here and post this thread. I think it's because I'm not easily impressed, but this forum has impressed me already despite being...