Recent content by adammohamed

  1. A

    Centos server bandwidth

    Yes I know, I use mod_ratelimit on apache but same problem it get down, I want to limit whole adapter for visitors "800mb/sec" and let "200mb/sec" free for keep server a live and download the player with a low download speed
  2. A

    Centos server bandwidth

    Thank you for your reply, There is no server with unlimited connection speed it my be until "10 Gbit/sec" this is the highest internet connection speed available, I tried to limit bandwidth using wondershaper before but when I limit it to 800mb/sec, When visitors take whole 800mb/sec it get slow...
  3. A

    Centos server bandwidth

    Hi, I have dedicated server with “Basic Unmetered 1 Gbit/sec” bandwidth, I install a centos 7 on it and using Apache, I used it to make a website for sharing video files, My problem is when visitors use all network bandwidth my server be very slow, I want to know is there any limit or anything I...
  4. A

    Video sharing server

    Hi, I want to ask, What is the server equipment that I will need to make a private server for watching and download videos from my website for 10k-20k plays and downloads per day.
  5. A

    I want another websites similar to it :(

    I want another websites similar to it :(
  6. A

    Hi, Can you send me a websites like "fembed" please ?

    Hi, Can you send me a websites like "fembed" please ?
  7. A

    The problem with your service that the adult ads you shows, and did not make an option to remove it :)
  8. A | Full-HD | HLS | API | Subtitles | Automatic BTC Payouts | 35$/10k

    OK, please update keep files without no views to 120 days :) and notify me when you solved the ad level problem
  9. A

    RapidVideo - 1080p HD | Multiquality | Fast encodings | Fast Speed

    OK, I hope it will be good next days :)
  10. A | Full-HD | HLS | API | Subtitles | Automatic BTC Payouts | 35$/10k

    Welcome! 1- Ad/Revenue Level not working, I make it (0 "1 ad") and it is open 5 popups! 2- please add a download link with quality :)
  11. A - File Hosting | DMCA Ignored | Upto $40/10k | Daily Payouts

    Welcome! How long did you keep files without no views - downloads ? "free account" also, How much download speed for visitors ?