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Top 5 Adsense Alternatives - _ -



is currently one of the best alternatives there is to Google's adsense. While they do not offer the same large selection of ad formats that Clicksor and Google Adsense provide you they do offer the most commonly used ones. In addition they offer inline page links with have some great click through ratios as well as interstitial full page ads which offer an excellent way to monetize all traffic to your site not just traffic that clicks on your ads. Their payouts are also very competitive. They have more relaxed terms and conditions than Adsense and are much more accepting of smaller publishers including bloggers.

Revenue is typically split 75/25 in your favor. Through a small snippet of HTML placed on your site, they handle serving, scheduling, billing, customer service, and sales. About half of AdBrite's sales are generated from the marketplace and sales team, while the other half are generated from users clicking "Your Ad Here" on your website.

If you're using AdBrite on your website you also have the option to turn off AdBrite's "run-of-network ads" and AdBrite will only display ads that have been approved by you allowing you to prevent competitors ads being shown on your site. If you have no ads running, AdBrite will display nothing but "Your Ad Here" or your alternative ad provider.

Note, from my experiences it can take a day or so from when you signup with AdBrite and put their code on your website to actually start seeing relevant ads showing up. So if you see the message "Advertize on this site" just be patient and give it a day or so and you should start seeing relevant ads showing up.

2.Chitika - The Leader in Impulse Merchandising


Chitika (pronounced CHIH-tih-ka) was founded in 2003 and is the industry's leading impulse merchandising company. Chitika was founded in May 2003 and is based in Massachusetts. Chitika (pronounced CHIH-tih-ka) helps web publishers generate revenue using innovative publisher-side advertising and merchandising solutions and services.

Chitika began, not as a stand alone advertising solution but instead as way to compliment existing advertising / publishing programs through the use of additional Ad Units which were altogether different from the standard ad boxes, pop-unders etc that everybody else provided. Instead of displaying these 'industry standard' advert boxes with text and image ads that all look the same Chitika instead provided active boxes that showed targeted products from different manufacturers. If you ran a blog for example and discussed a product you might have found the Chitika box showing links for this product and competitors products. If people purchased these products you would get paid a commission. This was referred to as impulse marketing in the form of Premium Ad Units (eMinimalls).

Chitika's search based advert units allow you to display targeted products based on what people searched for to get to your page and you get paid for clicks. Chitika offers payment by PayPal (with a $10 minimum) or via Check (with a $50 minimum).

3. Infolinks


A relative newcomer to the scene Infolinks specializes in In-Text Advertizing. That is it indexes your page looking for keywords and phrases that are not currently links and converts them into advertizing links. When a user places their mouse over the link a box opens up showing the ad. If they click on the link you get paid. It is very simple and works very effectively. The nice part is that you can use Infolinks to compliment an existing advertizing campaign on your website. For example you can show banner ads with AdBrite or Bidvertiser and show text links with Infolinks. Or you can even show text links with both AdBrite and Infolinks together on the same page to maximize your revenue.

Infolinks claims to be leading the industry with the most relevant in-text advertising links and the highest revenue share - guaranteed. I am not sure how they 'guarantee' this but having used them for several months I can attest that their payouts are indeed good compared to other In-Text advertizing options.

Infolinks pays you either by bank wire, Automated Clearing House (ACH) ($400 minimum), or by PayPal ($50 minimum). Intriguingly they also offer payment via a prepaid Mastercard that will be refilled with your earnings each month. This is an interesting approach to payment and may be useful for international customers without PayPal or US Dollar bank accounts. However, the fees for this prepaid card appear to be fairly steep.

4. Kontera -


Kontera works in a similar way to Infolinks above, however, they have been around for much longer. Traditionally it was hard to get accepted by Kontera but they seem to have relaxed their restrictions of late. This is especially true for website publishers and affiliate marketers that do not have high daily page impressions.

Kontera is extremely easy to use. You simply add a few lines of code to the end of your webpage and within 24 hours additionally links start showing up on your page that serve Kontera Ads. While this service does not provide you with a complete replacement for all your ads, since they do not provide banner creatives etc., it does provide an additional way to increase the revenue your site can generate. The links are context sensitive and relevant so click through ratios can be very high for well designed sites.

Kontera provides payment by PayPal with a $50 minimum payout.

5. Bidvertiser


Bidvertiser is an excellent alternative to Google and offers some intriguing ad formats including what they refer to as free design. This lets you specify the look and dimensions of your text ads. While a useful feature I have not investigated how well it works but imagine that while it sounds good on paper it could result in lower priced ads being displayed. I.e. most advertisers will probably want to keep control of the layout of their ads and so turn off support for Free design ads. All the standard ad formats exist, however, and the payouts are excellent. Pop-under ads and XML feeds are also supported.

Bidvertizer pays you either in $100.00 increments by check or $10.00 increments by PayPal. They also do not require you to complete any tax information or provide a social security number.

Smowtion was 6 so i Did't Add it

Source : []Rosswalker[]
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Very bad choices.


Maybe this are the best google adsense alternatives for a warez site but not for a legit site..........

CPM boys...

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Infolinks sucks

you will get Old till you get decent amount of money

chitika is user friendly like many knows only who gets more visitors from USA can earn trough chitika

why don't Dp start a new website like chitika,adbrite etc etc
Google Ads is ok,i quit using them myself for a better CPM ad campaign for my Arcade site,getting .25 and .77 CPM
All of the mentioned suck very much.,..

The top doggys are

Tribal Fusion
and so on......

* this are all for legit sites and require a lot of visitors!

You guys need to stop googling "TOP ADSENSE ALTERNATIVES" as all your going to find most of the time is websites using their referrals reffering you to shitty sites such as bidvertiser,adbrite,etc

how about using google for "Top paying CPM networks" etc

and who ever mentioned ADPERIUM

I believe they only accept sites ranked 500 and under in Alexa
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