Other RDP-Hosting.com - 100GB HD, Unmetered BW, 16GB RAM, Hotfile from $25/mo (Netherlands)

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I Get the demo and here's my review about it:
The Download Speed was awesome! i add 7 links(100mb each links) to idm and download them Simultaneously and with permium RS Acc the speed for each links was 14MB-17MB Avg.
Download From FS Speed Was Betwean 5-7MB

Ftp Upload To FS Was Around 2MB For each link,
i'm not sure why but i uploaded 700mb Avi film in Megaupload by just click on the upload button!!
rar/unrar speed was good enough,
Overall the demo service was Very good,
Tnx For the demo m8,
And sry for my bad english! :D
very good RDP :D

Download with HF, FS:


Upload FS, FSO



Very interesting speed :D
this time always i can't connect to RD ;), yesterday and today too, what happen in this time :|

as far as i know theres a somekind of network card issue. But why affected clients arent notified about this issue, that i dont know :-?
12h and nothing change, can't access to RD :O support team current offline, ticket no reply :| where r u RDP-Hosting ? :(
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