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Active Member
I started a thread almost a month back in which i mentioned how elio took 50$ for seo services and for 2 months didnt gimme shit and Elio told me that he will pay me the money within a week and so the thread was i cant find the thread and Elio hasnt sent me the money yet and he doesnt reply to PM's so Elio can you please send me my money back?
i posted on your thread and said unless you get moneybookers theres no way for me to refund you as i dont do works online anymore and have no paypal
Uh oh! Figured I'd give this thread a bump so it gets more views, hopefully you get your funds samipk. Never took Elio for a scammer, got to be careful I guess.
Everyone is saying he will pay, but it has been almost 3 weeks since this thread was opened and he still hasn't paied, kinda funny eh?
Any other member that would have pulled this shit would have been banned a long time ago.

Come on Elio, you are a good dude, just give a refund and we all live happily after :D
Elio will .. wait for him.......... don't harass someone for 50$

what the fuck are you talking about????this is the second thread i have created asking him for money i started one thread in september asking for money and he said he will pay and it was closed and after that he refused to answer my PM's then i opened this thread and he said he will pay and asked for a money bookers account, when i got one for him he is still not replying

this is not called harasment you moron this is called asking for your money back when your shit is not being done
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