Close Beta - New Era image host, Tier One 12$/1000IP, 100% No-Shave, No Tricky rates

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Hi all,

Our technical team informed us that the bug has been fixed.

Please report if there is still any issue on the bugs

There will be no compensation as the earnings itself increased 30~40%.


earning increased 30-40 % when ? or it will be increased ? bz from 3+ days the earnings were less than normal very badly ....

and if it can be done atleast u can make some bonus week or something like that which will be based on present work i think this way is win win for both of us bz 3 days is a good period

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I think you have need of a better coders because this is result of fix by your technical team:


It was because our mysql database ran out of space.

We cleared some files as temporary solution.

More space will be added tomorrow.

Edit : And about the 30~40% earnings increased, its since the day you all encountered the "stat update issue"

Which means its already considered as an bonus.
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so u mean the 2 days that stats were moving those days the stats was 30-40 % more and in actual it will work like it is working now ? bz stats are moving slow ..... and think most of us are experiencing that after the issue is fixed none cas see that stats are moving fast . can any other people confirm it ?
i think the real stats were on by mistake for some days and now the problem is fixed bz the way the stat counter is moving it looks like its stand still
Anyone can pm me their account details so i can check it personally?

We have real time stat in our database so i could compare the earnings.

Preferred an account with decent traffic.

kyle @ check Pm and one more bug in the site where we select date under
Image Views (Paidable Views only)

there not able to select date its showing white in color

You need a great coder for have the website 100% works,
because in a few days before problems with invisible images and now with stats.
A great coder fix this problems easily and permanently, I think you can find one here on WJ. :)
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Okay...Our tech team did some fixes but i myself unable to see the improvement. So I did personal check on the issue.

After couple hours of checks, apparently the problem was an advertisement company i believe causing visitor unable to access the image sometime.

As we use many advertisement company and each country those company serve different advertisement we have some difficultly to find out where the problem is.

So you must be asking, where is the compensation?

We have checked the time that the start of earning reduce and its since 3 August 2015 server date.

And we had fixed the issue and everything is back to normal starting from now 5 August 2015 6 AM server time

We decided that we will boost rate for double ( 100 % ) for 60 hours.

Starting from 5 August 2015 12:00 PM server time, ends at 8 August 00:00 AM server time.

Sorry for any inconveniences, during this promotion period, just calculate the earnings by half and you will be able to check the actual earning improvements which should be around 20%~40%.


I tried now. For me it's always like before.
I think it's necessary an accurate checking for know the real problem.
wow japan traffic rates have been reduced now from 5.33$ to 4.48 today :( this is not good . whats the point of compensation and we r not even informed of rate decrease .... or is it to compensate the bonus period lolz ...
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wow japan traffic rates have been reduced now from 5.33$ to 4.48 today :( this is not good . whats the point of compensation and we r not even informed of rate decrease .... or is it to compensate the bonus period lolz ...

4,44$ :(
Start bonus period but decrease rates. :(
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1. The issue is fixed at 6AM, you can't say its not working in just 1 hour, give it half a day for more traffic and let the site update your stat. Then check your earnings and decide.

2. There is no rate decrease, before 6AM we did some test and rates has been affected for like 15~30 minute.

Conclusion : Give it half a day, login, wait your stat to get updated, compare the earnings.
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