3 PPS Plans | PPS Bronze 80% Sales - 2Drive.net

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Mati like the new layout on your site!

I was trying to do a test download to see if it user friendly! This came up please fix this!

You have reached the download-limit Today , Please Buy Premium Account (Unlimited download)
4.897 MBS SPEED IS GOOD ON PREMIUM had no issue at all

Added after 19 Hours 45 minutes:

2drive-mati can you block zevera ip from people downloading at premium no premium sales will be sold

Added after 8 Hours 48 minutes:

mati can you fix the captcha not haveing no downloads

Added after 1:

mati captcha isent working not haveing no downloads
Last edited:
5.5 Mb

Total size
6.2 Mb

Upload speed
324 KB/Sec

Time remaining

Where are your server located? I get 700kbps upload from other host! Please fix this!
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