Best country to live in?

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Which is the best country to live in?

I say Germany because of it's economy and other factors that makes it a great country to live in.

mmm...Sounds about right!

1. We’re a big country.
2. We eat too much food and are the fattest country in the world.
3. We pollute the world.
4. We drive the biggest cars (which pollute).
5. Our society is torn between conservatism and liberalism, with people refusing to change society even though it needs to in order to keep up with the world.
6. We guzzle oil.
7. We prop up dictatorships that do things that go against American morals.
8. Our government does things that go against American morals.
9. We’re a snotty, rude, and stuck up society that thinks we’re better than everyone else.<--For ToO
10. We have foreign policy that still thinks that we are in the Cold War
11. We act like we are still a superpower.
12. We tell other countries what to do, using our military to back it.
13. We put restrictions on things, such as weed and the drinking limit, which drives people to break those laws. We then refuse to change these restrictions, even though it would lower crime.
14. We are a crime ridden society, with some of the worst violence and breaking of laws in any developed country.
15. Things that seem natural, such as love and sex, are made taboo subjects by idiotic parents.
16. When something bad happens, Americans overreact to the extreme, making something that was a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 look like a 20.
17. Many people are racist and stereotype people.
18. We claim to be and open a welcoming country, where in reality, we routinely deport people and make society hostile to newcomers.
19. We are a Christian majority country (a reason the Muslim world hates us)
20. We support Israel and attack terrorist groups (ditto)
21. We elected George W. Bush and his administration AND WE DID IT TWICE. ‘Nuff said.
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It's clear To0 is trying to make a point about America, but your so far into your resentment for America that your on a one track mind and your video's show that ;)

You should read over the post's.

So you are fine with statements like america can kill as many people as they see fit.

As ToO pointed out 1,000,000 in iraq is fine for him!!!! you make me sick.

This is dediacted to ToO

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In response to Post #171 Above...

1. We’re a big country. Yes we are.
2. We eat too much food and are the fattest country in the world. Our food tastes so good. I personally eat Filet Mignon a minimum of once to two times per month, and I eat out on average 3 times per week at upscale restaurants because I like the way the food is made by professional chef's and I can afford it, just like many other Americans.
3. We pollute the world. China is 1st worst, Russia is 3rd, we are Second. Which is to be expected when everyone here can afford cars and drive 2,500 miles cross country.
4. We drive the biggest cars (which pollute). Back to #3. I have a big Cadillac, at least I don't drive a go cart that if I hit a deer in it I would be insta killed. Plus I like luxury vehicles, they are comfortable, I do a lot of driving, I transport a lot of products and last but not least I love it when my girl gives me road head which is certainly not possible in a car that my head hit's the roof on and cock would rub the horn.
5. Our society is torn between conservatism and liberalism, with people refusing to change society even though it needs to in order to keep up with the world. Wrong. Our society is torn with people choosing to not change their behaviors, while the rest of the world tries to keep up with us & be just like us.
6. We guzzle oil. Our country is big, to traverse east to west is over 2,500 miles. We have more people on the road, and our prices are cheaper so we can afford it.
7. We prop up dictatorships that do things that go against American morals. It's not always about us you know. We try to put someone in power who will relate to their own people and try to stay within the realm of perception somewhat.
8. Our government does things that go against American morals. Yes they do.
9. We’re a snotty, rude, and stuck up society that thinks we’re better than everyone else.<--For ToO I'll take that as a compliment. I am a very kind, generous person though aside from attacking my personal beliefs. You will never deter me from being a real American.
10. We have foreign policy that still thinks that we are in the Cold War With countries like North Korea, Iran & crazy terrorist cells that like to harm people, threaten to harm people or are working avidly to harm people - you are absolutely correct.
11. We act like we are still a superpower. Act? We don't act. We do, we are. We have more influence in this world than any other country on the planet. Nuff said son.
12. We tell other countries what to do, using our military to back it. That's what we, the world superpower does :fly:. (Nice contradiction to your #11 above).
13. We put restrictions on things, such as weed and the drinking limit, which drives people to break those laws. We then refuse to change these restrictions, even though it would lower crime. So allowing a 16 year old or 18 year old to get legally drunk is an ok thing? Do you have any idea how many people die from Drunk Driving already? We had it with 3/2 beer back in the day and it was a failure. Furthermore all drugs including weed should be banned. It's a damn drug, if it's illegal don't do it, if you do, prepare for the consequences.
14. We are a crime ridden society, with some of the worst violence and breaking of laws in any developed country. AGREE 100% with you on this one. I am one of those people :). What isn't a crime these days anyways?
15. Things that seem natural, such as love and sex, are made taboo subjects by idiotic parents. Agree, some parents do this, not all.
16. When something bad happens, Americans overreact to the extreme, making something that was a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 look like a 20. If we say it's a 20 it's a 20. You just need to learn how to use our scale.
17. Many people are racist and stereotype people. Sure, just like how you have stereotyped all of America in each one of these 21 lousy lame points you tried to make. It happens, especially when your as diverse as us. It's gotten a lot better though, I really don't have any racial tensions here tbh.
18. We claim to be and open a welcoming country, where in reality, we routinely deport people and make society hostile to newcomers. People whom are deported are individuals who commit crimes or are illegal immigrants who did not follow the proper process of obtaining a green card or citizenship just like everyone else who has became an American since inception. We are not hostile to newcomers, they are embraced. However if you think that we are not on alert at all times, you are sorely mistaken.
19. We are a Christian majority country (a reason the Muslim world hates us). So the Muslims whose very own Prophet Muhammad spoke and said that Muslims should protect Christians and Jews and live among them in peace. So they disobey their revered Prophet and hate America because we are Christian? So this is the reason why you despise America? The truth comes out now? You are Muslim aren't you and can't stand the great Christian Nation of America and the Strongest Ally of GOD's promised land, ISRAEL.
21. We elected George W. Bush and his administration AND WE DID IT TWICE. ‘Nuff said.
As is our right, we voted for President Bush Sr. and President Bush Jr. It's a shame that when Sr. was in office they tried to blow up the towers and then you had a dumbass Saddam Hussein who invaded Kuwait for oil (whom we saved). It's a shame that when Bush Jr. was in office you had some dumbasses who wanted to successfully blow up our towers, attack our pentagon and try to hit our whitehouse. You think there won't be consequences for these actions? Let history be a lesson for you. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cold War, Vietnam, Kuwait, and so on, we will not tolerate a damn thing. I will say this though. We should have left Iraq and Afghanistan long ago as too much blood has been shed on our part and it is just a total waste and pointless. Going in and killing the Taliban, removing Saddam, ok, then we should have left it all alone.
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Then why you support the terrorists on Kosovo and Metohija? We are there more than 700 years, and they took it from us 2008...
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No religious talk, simple as that. Leave it out of it.

To0: 3. Check the population for China and USA, I'm not sure if you see a difference or not.
you need to be educated bro.why educated? Because you don't have your facts right at all.I read only a few pages at the start the one thing that surprised me was that your referred to "Our Towers". Do you still think the fall of the twin towers were caused by a series of hijackers? If you do i feel pity for you because a lot Americans indeed are very ("Now" )much aware of the fact that it was inside Job. Plus how does it justify Killing of millions of people world wide?Using Drones eh?A lot of innocent families abolished in a day and they say it on the news this much terrorists got killed.Wouldn't you fight back if someone tries to kill you.If you call that Terrorism then lets put it this way this Terrorism is and was and will always be an excuse.That's it.
You have to understand that things change over time. In the United States we used to have GOD in our schools and in our courts (and we still do actually - when I went to Federal Court in front of my judge the first thing that was said by the bailiff was "Here ye, Here ye, All Rise for the Honorable Judge ****, for all those proceeding and GOD above who roams across the United States of America may this ruling be just and righteous in GODS eyes") people pressured the government based on their beliefs and struck many of the uses of GOD and the Christian religion from schools, courts and public places.

What happened in Yugoslavia was that you were there first, you are correct. But overtime you accounted for only 10% of the population. There was an independent movement that took place and the other 90% of the citizens wanted to be on their own. This is when Serbia stepped in under Milosevic. A deal to end the crisis was brokered by the international community in early 1999. The autonomy plan was reluctantly accepted by the ethnic Albanians but rejected by Milosevic. The continued persecution of Kosovo Albanians led to the start of Nato air strikes against targets in Kosovo and Serbia in March 1999.

Meanwhile, a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Kosovo Albanians was initiated by Serbian forces. Hundreds of thousands of refugees fled to Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro. The international tribunal in The Hague said its investigators had found at least 2,000 bodies.

After 11 weeks of Nato bombing, Milosevic was forced to withdraw his troops and police, some 750,000 Albanian refugees came home and about 100,000 Serbs - roughly half the province's Serb population - fled. The UN was put in charge, pending agreement on whether Kosovo should become independent or revert to Serbian rule.

So I can see what happened. You, like myself, are a very patriotic person and you believe that your country is your country. However you need to understand that if there is a civil uprising and the majority of the population in that state wants independence that it should be granted. It shouldn't be attacked by killing and ostracizing them. The UN, lead by the US stepped in and wanted the blood shed to end. You guys were bombing your OWN country for crying out loud to stop the people from having their own desired freedom. We offered various peace treaties and deals, all of which were rejected while the blood shed carried on and almost a million people were left without food and shelter. This is when we stepped in. As a last resort my friend.

I know how it must feel to lose your country. I would not feel happy if it happened to me and would most definitely feel the same as you do. However, I would not kill my own people for the sake of splitting up the union. If they wanted to be the South again and we would be the North, then that's there choice. People have a right to be free!

---------- Post added at 01:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------

No religious talk, simple as that. Leave it out of it.

To0: 3. Check the population for China and USA, I'm not sure if you see a difference or not.

Population has nothing to do with it Suhel when comparing these two countries. We are more industrialized than China the USA is #1 in Manufacturing & Plants in the entire world, and we have more people who are driving on the roads than China. For every 1,000 people in the USA there are 809 vehicles on the road. China – 37 per 1,000 people. Therefore you will see the increase in emission. However, with China having fewer cars on the road and less manufacturing output they shouldn't be #1.

That guy is a moron. He is one of those Wall-Street Activist crazies. What he is doing is using a diversion tactic, or multiple diversion tactics rather to justify his wrong doings. This guy knew the information that he was obtaining and releasing was privy information. So what does he do? He gets mad and upset just like he has been doing. Mad at the rich people, mad at the people in the country over the past 50 years, mad at the drones, mad at the government.

I don't know what has happened, but it is clear there are two different types of people in the world these days, he got that right.

People like him, and then people like me.

Why bitch and moan about not making enough money or boo hooing at the top 1% when you can be out there making real money, putting in as much effort as he did by retrieving critical information from AT&T, disrupting Amazon, and trying to harm corporate America. Imagine if this guy actually used his time and energy to create his own business or to work 60-70 hours a week for a few years. He might actually then understand what the American dream is all about.

The people who came here that have what they have, the people who created large businesses and earn a lot of money - those people aren't the people who stand outside and hold signs or make podcasts before they go to prison. No, those people are the people that don't waste their damn time doing that stuff, they are busy working hard, thinking and pondering positive thoughts.

It's people like this guy and a trend that has started online and in the media in the past 5 years. There is severe negativity being portrayed here, and it's absolute bullshit.

When I drive down the street in Strongsville, Ohio and see teachers outside picketing, I yell to them "You should be ashamed of yourselves!". These teachers have great benefits, they get 2-3 months off of work per year, and get paid a great wage! So what do they do? They want more! So the school has to submit more levies to tax the citizens of that city more money, or cut programs to pay an increase in salary for these teachers.

You know what I would do? If I was the superintendent of these schools, I would walk right up to these people and tell them point blank. You have until Monday to get your asses back to work, or I'm hiring newly college graduates to fill your positions.

The greed, the envy, the lazy, the distorted, the emotionally distressed have taken over this fucking planet. It's not just here in America, it's everywhere. People think they should be handed shit, people don't think they should be reprimanded for what they do. I have been to prison and I deserved it. I knew what I was doing, I took the risk, and I paid my debt. I didn't bitch and moan because I got caught. I didn't bitch and moan because the movie companies are making billions of dollars. It's there fucking companies, they ought to be allowed to make however much they want! If you don't like the prices for things, then don't buy the product. There aren't any monopolies out there anymore really. You have choices. If you don't like how much the banks presidents, vice presidents and so forth get 100 million dollar bonuses, there's a simple solution to that. Don't put your money into their bank. Go with a small personal local bank, or be like good ole To0 and keep your money where you know it's safe, in your own possession.

P.S. Rox, this guy in this video looks like a hobbit from lord of the rings doesn't he? :rofl:.
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So, when you quote data from wikipedia, it's explicitly correct, and when others are quoting, people who wrote it, are idiots? Or you just select informations the way it fits you to believe in?

The greed, the envy, the lazy, the distorted, the emotionally distressed have taken over this fucking planet.

So, you describing 1% that owns 90% of all goods?
P.S. Rox, this guy in this video looks like a hobbit from lord of the rings doesn't he? :rofl:.

No, he looks very legit. [trollface]

---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 PM ----------

Incorrect Suhel. Going to the same link that you provided shows the United States output at #1 for a single Nationalized Country.


No, China is -
LOL <3 you Rox


Right you are correct they have surpassed us by some $400 billion!
No worries though...
#1 Manufacturer (China) with 1,344,130,000 people
#2 Manufacturer (USA) with 313,914,040 people

The chart I provided was from the link that Suhel provided dated to 2010.
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