- PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

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Everything is back on!!! :)):)):))

Let us know if there is anything missing you see.

Anyone that saw our service down - Raise you voice, we will be giving you GOLD MEMBERSHIPS !!!

Also, users that experienced down time, will see increase in their balance - contact us so we can do that.

Thanks for the patience, this won't happen ever again!
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So, GOLD MEMBERSHIP anyone? We will be giving away 10 of those!!! Limited time only, just let us know and you will be getting it!

It's 33% MORE then the original rates table - check it out here:

Just register to our service and send us a reply here to get yours now, it's a limited offer and we have 10 of those for the first ones.

Good luck to all.
@mrkei - You are now GOLD member!

@Soapalien - Done! Enjoy.

Good luck! 9 more GOLD memberships to giveaway, first come - first serve basis!
You are welcome!

Let us know if you want to be next to get your FREE GOLD membership!

Hurry up, only few last ones left.

dannyarcer - You are now GOLD member!
Good luck!

8 left, will you be the lucky one to see this message and enjoy a free membership?

Good luck!
You are welcome!
We wish you good luck and big eranings!

More FREE gold memberships to giveaway - Get yours now, there won't be left for tomorrow!!

:) :) :)
BTW Hugefiles do you have that bullshit terms like 1 unique ip per 24 hours? Like one guy download a full show from me [250 files] you'll count one download?
hello, because you can not move in Italy 2 tires? If you move in Italy 2 tires I will be very happy to use your Filehosting, and I will bring many of my Italian friends thanks Uploader
Dannyarcher - We are counting each IP per day, so if a user downloads a file today and tomorrow he will be counted twice.

Chrono - we can't move Italy to tier2, but, we can make you Gold, as there some memberships to giveaway, this way you will be getting bigger rates! Let us know if you want one.
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