Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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As it may take 4 days without sell or a premium Shareflare letitbit and not exceeding 150 downloads.

Before letitbit accounts for 5 to 8 per day, now 0

Before you enter Shareflare 1200 downloads 900 and now 150 maximum.

Expllicacion there.
Shareflare because you go from me? I just want to know why the last 4 days and do not sell me nimguna premium is down 80% in Shareflare downloads, just that.
Letitbit is a great host, I'm using it and I will use it while it are online, paying or not... (the premium is very easy and cheap to buy for downloaders), but...

please, add Payza! :(
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