Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Letitbit team offers You a possibility to earn money from online preview of Your video files.
Uploaded video files are added to Your sites with help of code.
Payment - $ 30 for 10,000 unique viewings. This includes all the unique views of files with the following conditions:
1. Filesize more than 5MB
2. Played more than 50% of video

These rules are in test mode until March 2012.


On the 15th of March 2012 changed the terms of charges for viewing video. Now you'll receive $ 50 for 10,000 views, but will be deducted traffic per view videos (1GB will cost $ 0.005). So, will become much more profitable to place small clips and trailers.

You can convert any file with an avi, mkv, mov, flv, mp4, wmv, rmvb from your filemanager, there is the code to paste video into your site.


Upload videofile=> click on "Filemanager Old" click on icon next to the link to the file:

status over time will become:

then click on the link and you will see the code, which must be added to the site:


Others affilate programms from Letitbit:


Promise much and really - deception!!!
Here my statistics for viewings:


Letitbit team offers You a possibility to earn money from online preview of Your video files.
Uploaded video files are added to Your sites with help of code.
Payment - $ 30 for 10,000 unique viewings. This includes all the unique views of files with the following conditions:
1. Filesize more than 5MB
2. Played more than 50% of video

These rules are in test mode until March 2012.


On the 15th of March 2012 changed the terms of charges for viewing video. Now you'll receive $ 50 for 10,000 views, but will be deducted traffic per view videos (1GB will cost $ 0.005). So, will become much more profitable to place small clips and trailers.

You can convert any file with an avi, mkv, mov, flv, mp4, wmv, rmvb from your filemanager, there is the code to paste video into your site.


Upload videofile=> click on "Filemanager Old" click on icon next to the link to the file:

status over time will become:

then click on the link and you will see the code, which must be added to the site:


Others affilate programms from Letitbit:


Promise much and really - deception!!!
Here my statistics for viewings:


Added after 16 minutes:

Letitbit team offers You a possibility to earn money from online preview of Your video files.
Uploaded video files are added to Your sites with help of code.
Payment - $ 30 for 10,000 unique viewings. This includes all the unique views of files with the following conditions:
1. Filesize more than 5MB
2. Played more than 50% of video

These rules are in test mode until March 2012.


On the 15th of March 2012 changed the terms of charges for viewing video. Now you'll receive $ 50 for 10,000 views, but will be deducted traffic per view videos (1GB will cost $ 0.005). So, will become much more profitable to place small clips and trailers.

You can convert any file with an avi, mkv, mov, flv, mp4, wmv, rmvb from your filemanager, there is the code to paste video into your site.


Upload videofile=> click on "Filemanager Old" click on icon next to the link to the file:

status over time will become:

then click on the link and you will see the code, which must be added to the site:


Others affilate programms from Letitbit:


The administrator hides! (closed possibility to contact a support service)!!!
Deception proceeds!For viewing of my video from me draw out money!!!:

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maybe you confused the forum? Maybe you need a forum for the blind?
In our rules:
1GB will cost $ 0.005
have you read rules?

oh please, don't give false answers :( ............ I opened one of my uploaded file link from my laptop which I never used for uploading or downloading from letitbit and I've never installed skymonk before on it but still it gives the same thing (both the options like skymonk and timer even though I selected Skymonk Install Only) :facepalm:

this thing is happening from 22nd of March, the day when letitbit got bitten by so many errors

please, fix it and you see many of them complaining of the same thing :(

I agree bro, I selected Install Skymonk Only but still it shows both the option :facepalm:
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Last few days(3 days to be exact) the stat seems to be counting really low revenue! I never had so less sales count ever & the download count ever increasing!
Our Download Counts are Stolen and now ?????? recalculate the videos and in the end you stolen our money ????? what the hell............ F U..
Not frozen in 6 th and all day statitics was corected, What changes was today? the site dont froze anymore, what you do on 6 th leave like that to be ok in weekend too and Thank you, my stats are ok and I am happy to bring you sales as much I can.
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