Letitbit. Upload your videos and earn $50/10 k views

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Shareflare, i have most of my video files without the button for convert it and the other files with the button in gray, can you check in my account please if you can do something?
in filemanager shows file type (avi,mpg, flv...) ?

Yes, the file type appears in the filemanager (almost all files are .avi) but only not showing the button to convert it them.

I think that you already know who i am and what's my account ID but i leave you here again for that you check this when you can:


If this happens, skymonk already installed or was installed on the computer

oh please, don't give false answers :( ............ I opened one of my uploaded file link from my laptop which I never used for uploading or downloading from letitbit and I've never installed skymonk before on it but still it gives the same thing (both the options like skymonk and timer even though I selected Skymonk Install Only) :facepalm:

this thing is happening from 22nd of March, the day when letitbit got bitten by so many errors

please, fix it and you see many of them complaining of the same thing :(

setup of download pages doesn't work

Please fix it !

I agree bro, I selected Install Skymonk Only but still it shows both the option :facepalm:
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everyday evening stats frozen . and recalculation at night is not satisfy . my files got many downloads . but they r not counting :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
you request payments in paypal, in paypal we pay only in monday

No i didn't talk about new request

i talk about the request approved in 23.3.2012


this payment 148$ didn't reach to my Webmoney account

ID:[19760181 | turba]

if the problem in my webmoney account , please send them with my new request on mondey to paypal

I don't know how to request payment.
There is no payment section to enter amount.
Where and How do I request payment?
Am I something wrong?
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