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Thank you! :)

Hope it will not be deleted by your system again after midnight. 8-)
It's happened again :( all the files you restored are gone again!!!
Please do something, so i will not complain everyday about the same issue, & you will not have to restore them every day. For example maybe you could change remove date ;) Thank you.
When will the FTP upload will be available again? It doesn't work at all, when I get to 50%-60% it just fails and starts over.
Hi there, i just want to know if someone buy premium using my download links but on the download page this message shows:

and click on that link and then purchase premium using that link, do i get sales also?

Just go to filemanagment on toolbar --> filemanager

Create a folder - then just select the files you want to move (multiple files keep ctrl pressed or ctrl+shift) important bit is move the mouse over (and click) the video option next to the name (the jpeg that indicates whether it is a video, text, rar etc) and move it to the image of the folder you want. Then it will deffo work

NB have to click on the jpeg and have to realease on the jpeg of the file you want - SILLY but IMPORTANT
From 10 AM to 10 PM (CET) upload fails all the time, only uploading at night works much better, but I don't wanna stay during the night to upload.
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