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Active Member
Okay , this seems really weird :

after deathbliss made me the SEO my website used to appear in the 1st/2nd page in google (which i find really weird since site is 10 days old)
but now , i can't find any of my posts in google
when i search it all appears , but lets say i search a post
like : Celebrity Big Brother S08E22 Live Final WS PDTV XviD-FTP
i find nothing :|

so what's this ?

anyhelp will be gr8 .
hmmm , could you please till me ur site url so i check if its the same issue
coz my friend told me maybe deathbliss made some blackhat seo and google banned ur website :|
from my pc , no posts found from ur website
but i tried from nl dedicated and its fine Ongeveer 6.320 resultaten (0,05 seconden)
I read that google is re-ranking some sites currently, so the update could mess your site up for few days (maybe weeks).

You will notice a decrease in the organic traffic as well, you don't need to worry though. Everything should back normal soon.
Blackhat seo is the only thing that can get you in top search within 10 days or less...

I used to do it all the time.. and if you been sandboxed it means your site will not show results for a while...

My site gets indexed and i never did any big seo to it.. Just needs good quality things on it
Your site definitely isn't sandboxed by Google.


google re-ranking takes days or weeks :|
Yea maybe more than that, everything takes time. <_<

I don't think your site has been penalized or sandboxed, searching "nightmarez" doesn't show your site in the first page simply because you're competing with over 100k sites which have the same keyword.

Whoever built backlinks up for you, they aren't strong enough to get your site in the first page. However I can't be sure about the exact reason.

At worst, you could use re-consideration form in google webmaster tools. But wait for a while first.
SuicidalMedia , thanks that was the weirdest thing
but try to search anypost followed by sitename you won't find it
which is the weird thing , eventhough it used to be in 1st/2nd page
now only tags , keywords appear not posts
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