R.I.P Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011)

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I wonder when the designer of the actual iPod gets recognized, when the Apple marketing department, Apples software engineering. Everyone needs a leader, I know I know but you guys act like he's the one who discovered gold or somethin'. The poor guy died in the worst way though, Don't get me wrong; RIP Steve Jobs once again.
Really the fact that anyone gives a shit about a fucking CEO's death shows just how emotionally entrailled capitalism and the sedative effect electronic toys have on the plebeian dilettante in Western society

Really the fact that anyone gives a shit about a fucking CEO's death shows just how emotionally entrailled capitalism and the sedative effect electronic toys have on the plebeian dilettante in Western society

He wasn't just a CEO of a company you idiot, he was a great leader and had other objective than money
He was an innovator, creator, and genius. Kedzi is right on, but thizzladen is wayyy off...

R.I.P Steve P. Jobs- You will always be in my heart and mind. Here is a quote from the man:

"Simple can be harder than complex: you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple." -- Steve Jobs
The Life and Times of Steve Jobs



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