WordPress Netu.ac can i make some embed so it takes movies itsself or i have to add manually each film


Hi guys,

I was wondering i opened a month ago movies & series website, however i'd like to get paid to cover bills over hosting as currently i am hosting some random streams that produce ads, however i dont have any profit from it, its good for begin but i've heard that netu is next move, now i wonder since i have already around 10k movies & series in my site, can i somehow manage to merge movies into my netu account, also is there any way i can make easier embed to connect simply for each movie or i have to every movie for its self link, so by that i mean separetly adding in
Hope i explained good
sure, but you can remote upload
Dang to upload over 10k movies will take alot time my friend :D
I guess copy from other sites is essy but to add each that movie on my server will take time
Any script for collecting links from existing sites if u have any idea knowledge that u can share with me
php script for cloning netu videos into your account. just paste id.
<?php error_reporting(0); // GET YOUR API KEY HERE https://netu.ac/api.php $user_token = "ENTER_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"; $vid = $_GET['id']; $video = json_decode(file_get_contents("https://netu.tv/api/file/clone?key=".$user_token."&file_code=".$vid),true); //var_dump($video); $code = $video['result']['file_code']; $name = $video['result'][''.$code.'']['name']; //print $video['result']['file_code']; //print $video['result']['file_code']['name']; ?> <html> <body> <form action = "<?php $_PHP_SELF ?>" method = "GET"> netu video id: <input type="text" name="id"><br> <input type="submit"> </form><br> <?php echo $name; ?><br> <br>https://netu.ac/e/<?php echo $code; ?>/<br> </body> </html>
php script for cloning netu videos into your account. just paste id.

Could you please give me your discord or skype in PM or here, not gonna waste much of your time, just to understand better, as i am first time using it, and i wanna learn propertly what script does, and where exactly to put what and how to exactly take other embeds to my account, thanks man!
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I've tested it just now, but how does that script helps me? when for example i can use existing sites that already have movies, and just take from them copy to my account, how can i get ids of movies easier then that, sorry i am confused by this script from where exactly and what do i write in search when using that script, can you give me an example ?
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Anyone else with some advice please?
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